General anesthesia
The general anesthesia given in dentistry is similar to the one given during the surgical procedures in hospitals. The patient becomes unconscious under the effect of general anesthesia. It is achieved by a combination of injection of intravenous sedatives and inhalation of gases like nitrous oxide. The procedure is quite technique-sensitive and is usually done by an anesthesiologist. An endotracheal tube is used to maintain the respiration.
General anesthesia involves many risks. The patient needs to follow many pre-operative instructions and after the process, the recovery time is more as compared to IV sedation.
Due to the broad range of benefits of IV sedation over general anesthesia, Dr. Ervil likes to use this technique to relieve dental anxiety and fear. At Vital Dental Anesthesia, we have state-of-the-art instruments, and we use the advanced techniques as we strive to make your dental appointment a memorable and positive experience.